When You Need to Move a Mountain by Linda Evans Shepherd | Review

When You Need to Move a Mountain: Keys to Praying with Power by Linda Evans Shepherd is about the power of prayer-- in particular, intercessory prayer. She shares personal stories to explain each point she makes, and why it works. She shares the different kind of intercessors there are (more than you'd think!), and how we are all called to pray for others, though we are each called in a different way. I learned so much about intercessory prayer though this book! It was enjoyable to read and I feel like, spiritually, I really grew from reading this. Shepherd shares honest and compelling stories and examples of how to pray, and guides the reader though praying for others and finding the methods that work best for them. I loved this book and cannot recommend it highly enough. I have already shared what I've learned and even loaned the book out to friends. I gave this 5/5 stars. *I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review. I was not required ...