Banned Books

Today, I want to talk about an issue that is really important to me- banned books. Reading is a huge part of my life. My mom read to me tons as a kid. My older sister used to teach me letters and words she'd learned in school before I was old enough to go. I told my kindergarten teacher on the first day that I was only there to learn to read better. I was reading chapter books like Stuart Little by the time I was 5. Even now, I'm going to school to become a book editor, so that I can (hopefully) read for a living, and be responsible for discovering the next big, beloved book. Reading was made fun. My mom, sister, and I would cuddle up together in my mom's big bed, and we would read out loud to each other. While my mom did most of the reading, my sister and I took our turns, too. It was fun time that we were able to spend together and hear wonderful stories. One of the things that we read together was the Harry Potter series. I loved these books, a...