This Is Getting Out Of Hand
Hello everyone! So today's post is a bit of a quick update. When I began this blog last April, it was just something I wanted to try. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, what I would talk about, if I would even enjoy it, or if anyone would read it. I am very happy to say that I love blogging and am so happy that I started it. On a whim, I decided to make a second blog about books. I would post reviews and recommendations, and offer editing for writers. Currently, this blog isn't live yet, as I'm trying to make it as nice as possible first. Two blogs, I decided, I can handle. The day after I began working on my second blog, my sister's boyfriend (who makes websites for a living) asked me if he could make a blog for me, mostly so he could gain some experience using different blogging websites. I said yes, as it's quite hard to turn down a free, professionally made blog. However, now I have the dilemma of having THREE BLOGS that I have no...